Cooperation with Customs

The importance of closer co-operation of Customs is widely acknowledged. One of PROSAFE's aim in this area is that Customs are involved where relevant in the Joint Actions where the distribution chain for the specific product warrants it.

The product specific activities will provide an opportunity to field test the best practice developed under the EMARS projects, other Joint Actions and by DG TAXUD.

To implement this initiative, the following activities are foreseen:
• Customs officials will be invited to events held within the framework of the Joint Actions to discuss problems related to products addressed.
• The on-going co-operation between PROSAFE and TAXUD will be continued by key staff attending meetings in the Joint Actions and in the DG TAXUD working group. This will provide a platform for feeding experiences and best practices on market surveillance into the activities undertaken by the TAXUD working group and for ideas developed by the TAXUD working group to be implemented, tested by the Joint Actions and the experiences reported back.