The General Assembly and the Board


Banner General Assembly 4 18288 9144 cm 18288 67 cm 200 67 cm 700 130 px 2


PROSAFE Members form part of the General Assembly (GA) of PROSAFE to which observers may also be invited. The General Assembly shall appoint a Board for a term of four years which oversees the day-to-day management of the organisation and ensures that PROSAFE is run on a non-profit basis. The Board is accountable and reports back to the GA and assumes the legal responsibility for the organisation. The Board is responsible for strategic and business planning, financial control, contractual matters, governance and employment responsibilities. 

The General Assembly is responsible for approving, disapproving or amending the Strategic and Financial Plans of PROSAFE as recommended by the Board.

The General Assembly usually meets twice a year, unless decided otherwise depending on the state of affairs and the annual operational priorities, to review, discuss and take decisions on PROSAFE’s strategy, work programme and issues related to market surveillance on product safety, energy labelling and ecodesign. Any information that is generated in these meetings, and is suitable for publication, will be placed on the website in an area where only the registered members have access.

Of particular importance is the informal nature of exchanges and discussions on new challenges with an impact on the observed levels of non-compliance across Europe and on ways to improve in this regard the capacity of and cooperation between European Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) in order to tackle these issues and achieve their objectives.

In order to become a PROSAFE Member, you need to be an officer involved in market surveillance from a country member of the Council of Europe. Please email your application to the PROSAFE Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., attaching a cover letter (including your contact details) and a description of your organisation.

Membership is free!