Sophie Attali


Technical Facilitator/Senior Market Surveillance Expert

Running Projects: EEPLIANT3.


As expert / consultant, Ms. Sophie Attali has developed an expertise in the field of energy policy and energy efficiency, especially in the area of energy consuming products. She has worked on many projects for various institutions: energy agencies, international agencies, utilities and NGOs. She has been honored with the European Women in Energy Award in 2020.

With 25 years of experience, her experience includes:

  • Market transformation: product policies (labeling, MEPS, International Standards, Market Surveillance) their definition and implementation, market pull activities, technology and cooperative procurement, training, communication towards targeted stakeholders (MSAs, manufacturers, retailers, large-scale public and private buyers, opinion relays including NGOs, end-users and the media).
  • European institutional and policy framework (energy labelling, eco-design, energy services, low energy buildings).
  • Demand side management: up-stream research on DSM mechanisms in different electricity environments, program design and implementation.
  • Institutional capacity building: organization of training sessions for newly established energy agencies or new personnel.
  • Project coordination: Several major European projects gathering more than 15 countries.
  • Conference organization: Conference manager for over 10 years of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee) summer study gathering 450 persons.