Timeline: 1 November 2019 - 31 August 2022
Newsletters: 9-month Progress Newsletter
Press Release: First Press Release
Call for Tender: WP2 RCD - closed; WP3 LVD - closed.
The Joint Market Surveillance Action on HARmonized Products 2018 – JAHARP18 – is a 34-month EU-co-funded project comprising two product-specific activities relating to:
Recreational Craft Directive (inflatable craft including rigid-hull inflatable boats [RHIBs] and small open craft) and
- Low Voltage Directive (portable room heaters).
11 Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) from 9 European Union Member States join forces to perform a coordinated cross-border market surveillance campaign enforcing against unsafe products. MSAs build upon common experience, optimise the use of resources and develop common tools for checking the conformity and safety to achieve a more harmonised market surveillance of the products concerned.
The project is co-funded by the European Union for the action ‘Joint enforcement actions for market surveillance of products in the EU’ and coordinated by PROSAFE. The Action was kick-started by a Launch Conference held between 21 and 22 January 2020 in the premises of PROSAFE. The event Agenda can be reviewed here.
The project also includes a number of cross-cutting/horizontal activities aiming at maximising the expected impacts of JAHARP18, while maintaining and improving methods and best practices on market surveillance and knowledge transfer. Such cooperation of Market Surveillance Authorities in JAHARP18 will result in a creation of bespoke training materials to be shared with all MSA officials via the Administrative Cooperation (AdCo) Groups to be used for their future inspection and enforcement activities of the products concerned.
The Objective
The Joint Action aims to raise the level of market surveillance in the product areas concerned, thereby contributing to a more uniform application of the rules set out in the applicable EU harmonised legislation.
In particular, JAHARP18 aims to:
- Survey the state of compliance and safety in the internal market for recreational craft and low voltage electrical appliances;
- Identify and deal with non-compliant products, ensuring that unsafe products are brought into conformity or withdrawn from the market;
- Reduce the risks of accidents, thereby improving the protection of the health and safety of European consumers;
- Reduce unfair competition resulting from the presence of non-compliant products on the market;
- Raise awareness among manufacturers, importers, distributors and other concerned stakeholders about the problems identified on the market, with a view to ensuring a durable improvement of the level of compliance and safety of the products concerned;
- Raise the profile of market surveillance in general.
The participants
Involved in the Recreational Craft Activity: Bulgaria, Finland, France, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, and Sweden. Switzerland shall participate in the Joint Action as an observer outside the financial scheme.
Involved in the Portable Room Heaters Activity: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Malta and Sweden.