Peer reviews in market surveillance


During 2015, PROSAFE has coordinated one CIMS (Continuous Improvement in Market Surveillance) Review. These reviews are performed amongst peer market surveillance authorities in order to further improve their performance and activities by learning from each other’s best practices as well as giving advice to each other where applicable.

Eleven market surveillance authorities coming from the following Member States: Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Croatia, Italy, Malta, Poland, Sweden, The Slovak Republic, Slovenia and the United Kingdom, were involved in this CIMS Review. Michael Cassar, the Director of the Market Surveillance Directorate within the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA) has been the task leader.

The first CIMS review for this year was held in end September at the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK) in Warsaw, Poland. A report for this review has been published here.

A number of best practices were identified which are highlighted within the respective CIMS reports, which are available to market surveillance authorities from within the European Economic Area. These CIMS Review exercises have always been found to be very useful to both the host authority as well as the reviewing team. Refer to further information as well as remarks made directly by those who have been involved in such CIMS Reviews by clicking here.