JA2015 Annual Market Surveillance Workshop
PROSAFE has hosted the Annual Market Surveillance Workshop of the Joint Action 2015, from 30 to 31 May 2017 in Brussels. The authorities participating in the JA2015 gathered to share experiences, exchange information, and learn from each other. The first day of the Workshop was dedicated only to the market surveillance experts and it was opened by a member of the European Commission’s DG Growth who presented updated information on toy safety.
The market surveillance authorities took part in an exercise designed to sparkle debates and help capture good practices around the question: How are RAPEX notifications made in your country?
The experts gathered in small groups from different countries to discuss about the steps taken before issuing a notification and exchanged ideas and opinions. At the end, each working group shared the findings with all the other MSAs.
The second day of the workshop was open to interested parties thus stakeholders (consumer associations, bussiness representatives) joined the meeting.
The leaders of each product activity in Joint Action 2015 (Toys 4 - Chemicals in Plasticised Toys, Child Care Articles 5 - Soothers & Soother Holders, Playground Equipment 2, Power Tools 2 - Circular saws, Electrical Household Appliances) presented the progress made and some preliminary results, but also talked about the challenges they have encountered during the sampling and testing of products.
Considering the need to further train market surveillance officers, the e-learning courses developed by PROSAFE where among the subjects discussed. The participants received an update about the new course on COTS which will be soon available on PROSAFE’s e-learning portal.
The Agenda and the presentations are available in the members-only area and can be accessed here after logging in.