JAMACH14 - Professional Chainsaws
Work Package Coordinator: PROSAFE, BE
Work Package Leader: HSE, UK
The scope of this project aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of market surveillance of chainsaws machinery in the EU by means of a common approach to checks on high-risk product categories. The best practices identified and used in the course of the Joint Action will be of benefit both to the participating market surveillance authorities as well as to those not directly participating in the action and will reinforce the future work of the Machinery ADCO Group.
The main objectives of the work package are summarised as follows:
• Provide information on the state of compliance and safety in the market for chainsaws;
• Identify and deal with non-compliant products, ensuring that unsafe products are brought into conformity or are withdrawn from the market;
• Reduce risks of serious injuries, thereby improving the protection of the health and safety of workers and consumers using such products;
• Reduce unfair competition resulting from the presence of non-compliant products on the market;
• Raise awareness among manufacturers, importers, distributors and other concerned stakeholders about the problems identified on the market, with a view to ensuring a durable improvement of the level of compliance and safety of the products concerned;
• Increase the profile of market surveillance of machinery in general.
12 Market Surveillance Authorities from the following 10 countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom.
Additional Market Surveillance Authority participating outside the framework of the Grant Agreement: Switzerland (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs).