Invitation to express interest and provide information for Testing Laboratories - JAHARP2020-3 USB Chargers
PROSAFE is launching an Invitation to express interest and provide information for the Joint Action JAHARP2020-3 concerning testing laboratories. This work is part of Work Package 3 – USB Chargers. Further details about are included in the Official document.
Interested testing laboratories should submit the Requested information in Word format by 1 February 2022 via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject header “[name of the company] JAHARP2020-3 WP3 - USB Chargers” and copied to the relevant Work Package Facilitator, as indicated in the Official document.
The objective of this Joint Action is to raise the level of market surveillance in the product area concerned, thereby contributing to a more uniform application of the rules set out in the applicable EU harmonised legislation. JAHARP2020-3's Work Package 3 is a market surveillance exercise, where the Market Surveillance Authorities of each participating country will take samples of portable USB chargers from the market and send them to a common testing laboratory in order to verify their safety and compliance with the applicable requirements, in this case harmonised standard EN 62368-1. PROSAFE is issuing this invitation to all known test laboratories competent in the product area concerned to express their interest in the task and provide information useful for the preparation of the Call for Tender.