JAHARP2022-01 - Prior information notice of competitive tender for laboratory testing
PROSAFE is launching a Prior information notice of competitive tender for laboratory testing in the context of the Joint Market Surveillance Action on HARmonised Products 2022-01 WP2 Washing machines & WP3 Professional refrigerated storage cabinets. More details can be found in the Official information notice.
As part of the project, a set of products will be sent to an accredited lab for testing. PROSAFE will send out a formal invitation to tender, during the 1st half of 2024, for the purposes of selecting a laboratory for the testing of washing machines and professional refrigerated storage cabinets.
Laboratories are invited to register their interest in the tender, without obligation. To receive direct notification when the invitation to tender is released, please provide a contact name and email address in an email to the PROSAFE Technical Facilitators appointed to the project: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with ‘JAHARP2022 lab tender’ in the subject line. The invitation to tender will be published at www.eepliant.eu and www.prosafe.org.
Useful documents
The JAHARP2022-01 WP2 on washing machines involves 8 Market Surveillance Authorities from the following 8 countries: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania and Spain. The JAHARP2022-01 WP3 on professional refrigerated storage cabinets involves 8 Market Surveillance Authorities from the following 8 countries: Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania and Spain. The objective of this transnational activity is to identify unsafe products traded on the Single Market. The activities concerned fall within the scope of the Ecodesign and Energy Labeling legislative framework.