Invitation to Express Interest for Testing Laboratories - JAHARP2021 Omnibus 03-BRAKES
PROSAFE is launching an Invitation to Express Interest for Testing Laboratories in the context of the Joint Market Surveillance Action on HARmonised Products 2021 Omnibus 03-BRAKES. More details can be found in the Official Invitation.
The Joint Market Surveillance Action on HARmonised Products 2021 Omnibus is a portfolio of projects co-funded by the European Union (EU) under the call for proposals SMP-IMA-2021-JA-2731-12302 - EU. All projects cover a 24 months period and include product inspections, testing and capacity building activities for seven product areas and three horizontal activities. In total, 45 Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) from 25 European countries.
The JAHARP2021-03 BRAKES involves 5 Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) from 5 EU Member States (Denmark, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Romania).
The objective of this transnational activity is to identify unsafe products traded on the Single Market. The activity concerned falls within the scope of the General Safety Regulation (modified by Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/166). Replacement equipment already placed on the market, such as non-original brake components, shall therefore fulfil either the provisions of Directive 71/320/EEC or UNECE Regulation No 90.
In the coming months, PROSAFE will issue an open Call for Tender for a Technical Service having accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025 to carry out the testing. The Call for Tender will be published on the PROSAFE website and will also be circulated by e-mail to all known Technical Services competent for such testing. Product sampling and testing is expected to be carried out during 2023.
PROSAFE is issuing this Invitation to all known Technical Services competent in the area concerned to express their interest in the task and provide information useful for the preparation of the Call for Tender. This invitation does not entail any commitment, financial or otherwise, on the part of PROSAFE or of responders; it serves as a non-binding, informal instrument for the purposes of collecting information on the services to be provided and their availability. By responding to this invitation, you simply declare your preliminary interest in working with us in the framework of the project. PROSAFE is not bound to invite, contact or contract only Technical Services responding to this invitation.
Interested individuals shall complete Tables A, B and C in the Annex I to the Invitation document and send responses as soon as possible and no later than 16th November 2022 EOB (CET) by e-mail to the PROSAFE Office addressed to Mrs Ioana Sandu, Executive Director, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and to Mr Andrew Gordon, PROSAFE Facilitator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For clarification on any aspect of this invitation, please send an e-mail to the above addresses.
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