The work programme consisted of 6 “Work Packages”
WP1 – Management. PROSAFE provided the day-to-day management.
WP2 – Development and Implementation of Best Practice. The objective of this WP was to have all participating MSAs using common methods, protocols and checklists through developing and then implementing the guidelines throughout their activities whilst undertaking WP5 – and thereafter.
WP3 -Training for MSAs. A series of Good Practice Guidelines was developed in order to train the MSAs:
Module A - Good Practice Guidelines for Coordinated and Effective Market Surveillance of energy labelling of tyres
Module B - Summary of the legal background governing the labelling of tyres in the EU
Module C – Description of the tyre label
Module D – Guidance for inspecting the display of labels on tyres
Module E – Guidance for making an examination of technical documentation for tyre labels
Module F - Guidance for the Conduct of Market Surveillance Tests
A label inspection training was also developed and is available in the following languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, English, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish. A secondary objective was to enable training to be easily accessible and to be further available to all EU MSAs, not just to those formally participating in this programme.
WP4 - Development and adoption of a database for recording the results of inspections. This work package brought a novelty into market surveillance by introducing an application specially created for this programme. The tool gives the MSAs the possibility to add all information collected after each tyre inspections into a database which can be accessed by any of the participants.
WP5 - Inspection and testing. The objective of this work package was to carry out an action for coordinated monitoring, verification and enforcement of class C1 (summer passenger car) tyres, subject to (REGULATION (EC) No 1222/2009, REGULATION (EU) No 228/2011, REGULATION (EU) No 1235/2011) using the Good Practices developed earlier in this programme. A flyer with information about tyre labelling and the MSTyr15 project was developed in order to be handed out to suppliers and distributors during the inspections of tyres.
WP6 - Communication with stakeholders and wider dissemination. The objective of this work package was to make consumers and stakeholders aware of this programme; of its intents and achievements, both concerning the test results, and on a wider scale, to ensure the results are disseminated (for exploitation) to the widest possible audience.