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Press Releases and Newsletters were published in English and translated into various national languages of the consortium partners. They are available for download below:
First Press Release:
EN: | BG: | FI: | FR-LU: | DE: | LV: |
First Newsletter:
EN: | BG: | FI: | FR-LU: | DE: | PL: | ES: |
Second Newsletter:
EN: | BG: | FI: | FR-LU: | DE: | PL: | ES: | SE: | TU: |
Third Newsletter:
EN: | BG: | FI: | DE: | ES: | TU: |
Fourth Newsletter:
EN: | BG: | HU: | FI: | DE: | LT: | PL: | RO: | ES: | TU: |
Second Press Release:
FR: | BG: | BE: | FI: | LU-FR: | PL: | RO: |