News release 28.10.2019
Final newsletter from the Joint Action 2016
The final results of the Joint Market Surveillance Action on Consumer Products 2016 (JA2016) are now out and the overview of findings can be reviewed in the latest published Newsletter.
31 Market Surveillance Authorities from 24 European countries work jointly to keep European consumers safe.
The Joint Market Surveillance Action on Consumer Products 2016 (JA2016) is a 26-month pan-European project co-funded by the European Union (EU) that focusses on consolidating and enhancing product safety through effective market surveillance on 5 target product categories across the European Economic Area (EEA). The project is coordinated by PROSAFE, a non-profit NGO - The Product Safety Forum of Europe formed by market surveillance officers and based in Brussels.
The final results from the product inspections, testing and Method Development activities were presented at a 2-day open Final Conference held on 17 and 18 September in Brussels.
Read more in the actual news release
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