JAHARP2020 Triplet - Final Newsletters

The three Joint Market Surveillance Actions on HARmonised Products - the JAHARP2020 Triplet are soon coming to an end! In this Final Edition of the JAHARP202020 Newsletters we provide a most updated glimpse into the activities carried out, close to final results, and advice for consumers. The final results will be presented at the JAHARP2020 Triplet Final Conference on 12 May 2023.

JAHARP2020 Triplet Final Newsletter Visual

The shared objective of the JAHARP2020 Triplet is threefold: (i) to raise the level of market surveillance; (ii) to facilitate the application of the new Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020; and (iii) to increase the capability of the European MSAs. 29 Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) from 22 EU Member States are involved in market surveillance activities that fall under Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, Gas Appliances Regulation (EU) 2016/426, Transportable Pressure Equipment (TPE) Directive 2010/35/EU, and Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU.

JAHARP2020 1 Circle TRANSPARENTJAHARP2020-1 - Cooking Appliances, Harmonised Market Surveillance, SAR of connected devices

 EN: BG: BG Flag HU: Flag of Hungary.svg IT: IT Flag

JAHARP2020 2 logoJAHARP2020-2 - Tumble driers, IOT in connected  devices, Helium cylinders

 EN: HR: HR Flag FR: FR IT: IT Flag


JAHARP2020 3 logo JAHARP2020-3 - Space heaters, Large TPE for class 2 Gasses, USB Chargers

 EN: BG: BG Flag HU: Flag of Hungary.svg IT: IT Flag